
(2024). An efficient hybrid SBI-FD method for modeling fluid migration and fault-fluid interactions. In EGU 2024, Vienna, Austria.


(2024). A coupled finite difference-spectral boundary integral method with applications to fluid diffusion in fault structures. International Journal For Numerical And Analytical Methods In Geomechanics.

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(2023). On the effect of vibration on dry/fluid-saturated granular flows: Implications for geological hazards induced by earthquakes. In EGU 2023, Vienna, Austria.


(2023). Linking fluid flow in a shear zone to the surrounding bulk with poroelastic boundary integral solutions. In EGU 2023, Vienna, Austria.


(2022). The effects of rock-infill interfacial properties on the compressive damage behaviour of flawed rocks: Results from a DEM study. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics.

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(2021). CFD-DEM study on the entrainment induced by debris flows with the HBP rheological model. In ARMS 12th, 2021, Beijing, China.

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(2021). Micromechanical study on hard rock strainburst using the discrete element method. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.

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(2020). Experimental-numerical investigation on grout diffusion and washout in rough rock fractures under flowing water. Computers and Geotechnics.

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(2020). Experimental study on long-term performance of new urban green space soil for sponge city construction. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening.

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